Talking to the judge.

It’s usually a good idea to know what you’re going to say before you start to talk. This guy did. Not sure it ended how he wanted, but it does seem that he got some stuff off his chest. He’ll probably sleep well. Interesting things to note: 1. His attorney just lets him go, and … Read More

Dear Dog the Bounty Hunter

It appeared you were trying to get some poor girl killed.   Dear Mr. Dogthebountyhunter, Last weekend I got a little bored and flipped on the T.V.  As I flipped through the channels I couldn’t help but become mesmerized by your mullet.  It sucked me in and I quickly put down the remote.   Despite my fascination … Read More

A look ahead to 2012: How about less Lindsay Lohan (or Sam Hurd) and more physician assisted suicide.

Ah, 2011. I barely knew you, and already you are leaving me.  Going out with quite a bang, too.  When we’d all rather be scarfing on holiday eats and watching drama-free football, we can’t turn on the TV without being barraged by criminal law nonsense.  Notwithstanding the “Johnny Knox Origami Incident” the Bears’ biggest story … Read More

The Bald Eagle Made Me Kill That Guy

I hear some weird stuff. A lot of weird stuff. I don’t only hear it. I say it. It’s part of what we do. As lawyers who weren’t there when the “crime” happens, we don’t know the “truth”. We only know what facts we’re given. It’s the same for prosecutors. And the cops. We take … Read More

Blago and this guy’s swollen face.

I’m already sick of hearing about Rod Blagojevich’s sentencing.  Not just because it’s Blago.  Mostly because of the news story that surfaced yesterday regarding what prosecutors plan to argue: that Rod’s sentence should be lengthened because he has never accepted responsibility or shown remorse.  I don’t know if he has, or if he hasn’t. I don’t … Read More

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