For years I’ve been saying that legalizing marijuana so we can “tax the stuff” and put the money to good use was a really bad idea. That’s not to say that marijuana should be prohibited. It shouldn’t. That is to say, however, its legalization shouldn’t be championed by people claiming the extra tax revenue would solve the world’s problems.
Why Do Cops Let People Drive Drunk?
You know how drunk drivers are a danger? They cause accidents? You know how they kill people? You know how we can’t tolerate having impaired drivers on the road? You know how we are so gung-ho on punishing DUI that we won’t even tolerate a drunk driver pulling off the road to “sleep it off”? … Read More
The McHenry County Sheriff’s Department lets us know man lifeflighted after atv crash has been charged with DUI- as though it’s important.
I love reading these police press releases. I learn so much from what they say. I learn even more from what they don’t. So, out of curiosity I occasionally check out McHenry County Sheriff’s media releases. I like to know what they think is important. Yesterday a release about a man crashing his ATV, being unconscious, … Read More
Harvard drug defendant can post bond (as he should be able to).
If you follow some of the other nonsense I post on the internet you know how I’m annoyed by anything that might be considered excessive bail. So, when it comes to bonding people out of jail, you can say I’m a little touchy. The article in the Northwest Herald today about the man arrested as … Read More
Is the flesh-eating Heroin substitute in McHenry County?
Heroin is pretty scary stuff. They’re claiming it’s on the rise again all over McHenry County. I don’t have access to the numbers, but I’m not buying that there’s necessarily been a huge increase. Every couple of years they say it’s “on the rise” or becoming an epidemic. Despite possessing the stuff being a felony … Read More